About Us

Faculty Sponsor - Mr Brian Jones
Team Coach - Kathy Vail
Team Parent - Elsa Lam
Treasurer - Todd Grubb

Team Captain
Jamie Chiu

Weekly Practice Schedule

Practices are Tuedays at the MHS cafeteria from 3:45 - 5:30 pm

3:45 : Fencers show up and dress in fencing socks, knickers, jacket and shoes. Warm-ups and drills begin

5:15 : Practice ends

5:15 - 5:30 : Clean up and stow equipment

Practice consists of drills where we train form, blade work and foot work to increase the skills essential to the development of the fencers. There will also be 1v1 matches each practice so that our fencers can gain experience dueling others in preparation of tournaments.

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